A cosmetic upper limb prosthesis is a type of prosthetic device designed primarily to restore the appearance of a missing limb rather than provide functional capabilities. These prostheses aim to mimic the natural shape, size, and appearance of the lost limb, helping users feel more comfortable and confident in social and professional settings. Typically, high amputation levels among old, aged people. 



Heavy Manual Activities of Daily Living 

Durable prosthetic fitting or also known as Body-powered prosthetic fitting refers to the process of creating and fitting a prosthesis that operates using cables and a harness system controlled by the user's body movements. These prostheses are particularly suitable for individuals engaged in heavy manual labor or robust activities due to their durability, simplicity, and ability to withstand demanding physical tasks. Typically employed or involved in hard labor that requires robust action. 

Delicate Activities of Daily Living

Precision prosthetic fitting, often referred to as the fitting of externally powered upper limb prostheses, involves advanced prosthetic devices operated using electronic systems such as myoelectric control. These prostheses are designed to provide precise, natural movements, making them ideal for individuals requiring high functionality, fine motor control, and enhanced dexterity in everyday tasks. Typically involved in administrative work such as typing or vocational work such as playing music instrument or writing. 


How is a prosthetic arm made?

Manufacturing a prosthetic arm can be done through injection moulding and vacuum formation. Plastic polymer is used to conjoin fabric layers to make a lightweight yet durable prosthetic arm.

What materials are used to create a prosthetic arm?

Some materials used include acrylic resin, thermoplastic, silicone, carbon fibre, titanium and aluminium that rest within a soft foam shaped to match your natural limb.

Are prosthetics affordable?

Because we rely on 3D printing to produce our prosthetics, our products are often affordable compared to standard machining. 3D printing uses computer-aided design software (CAD) to layer the final product.

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